
Home is a safe place to relax and enjoy with family - a place where you are comfortable and free to be yourself.

sara's story

About Sara

Sara, a single Mom from Conway, joined the homebuyer program in the fall of 2022. Knowing the reputation of Habitat for Humanity, both nationally and locally, Sara often thought about how she would love to buy a home for her and her daughter, Darby, but needed help with financing and a down payment.

The best times in her life have been the birth of her daughters, even better, the birth of her granddaughters, and moving back to South Carolina. Her daughter, Darby, is disabled, so owning a home means she will be able to make permanent changes to her living space to make things easier for her daughter. The family likes to play board games, and do crafts, like knitting and painting. They have several pets and enjoy spending time with them.

Since joining the homebuyer program, Sara has completed sweat equity hours on the build site as well as the ReStore. Sara loves learning and making new things and looks forward to the building process as well. She enjoys both working at the ReStore and at the build site. She has done some painting, which she loves to do.

Some of the lowest points of her life all happened around the same time, divorce, homelessness with three children, and a daughter diagnosed with autism. She tries not to dwell too much on the negative. Her favorite Bible verse, Matthew 6:26-27 states, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

She is super proud of all her kids. Her youngest daughter was recently married, and she was finally able to get a picture of all of her adult children together, which will go perfectly in her new home.

As Sara thinks about moving into her new home, she looks forward to having a garden. She wants to plant an herb garden and maybe some roses. She also looks forward to having the family stay over.

Sara feels grateful and blessed to have the [Habitat] community in her life. To Sara, home is a safe place to relax and enjoy with family – a place where you are comfortable and free to be yourself.