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Homeownership Helps Fathers and Sons Grow Together


Families of all shapes and sizes deserve an affordable place to call home. When affordable homeownership is achieved, all families can grow together in every aspect of their lives.  

In Horry County, professionals and service-oriented workers with moderate incomes have some of the most difficulty finding affordable homeownership opportunities. To help meet the need for affordable homeownership, Habitat for Humanity of Horry County proudly partners with homebuyers seeking to purchase homes within our county. At Habitat for Humanity, houses are built with the care and expertise of licensed contractors, site leaders and volunteers. Those houses become homes for families like John and his 6-year-old son, Derek**.  

John and Derek are an example of a family who can obtain affordable homeownership through Habitat’s homebuyer program. John has lived in Horry County his entire life and has recently become a teacher. Currently in his first year of teaching, John makes $44,000, which means that he would qualify for the Habitat Homebuyer Program, because of his family size and his ability to pay an affordable mortgage.

John works in a school in the heart of Myrtle Beach and he wants to live close by to make his commute shorter. With a shorter commute, he can be closer to his son’s school and activities, which is top priority for the single dad. The only housing he can find close by that is affordable is a one-bedroom apartment, which means that he and his son must share a room. This shows a true need for a more manageable and healthy living space. 

Each family accepted into the Habitat Homebuyer Program also shows a willingness to partner with the organization to reach their goal of homeownership. Working alongside volunteers and other homebuyers to help build Habitat homes, and even working shifts in the ReStore, families like the John and Derek have the perfect opportunity to give back and grow within their local community as well as work towards their individual family’s goal.  

Click here to learn more about applying for the Habitat Homebuyer Program in Horry County when applications become available again on September 1, 2023.  

** The family mentioned is fictional yet is representative of the types of families seeking homeownership who qualify for the Habitat Homebuyer Program, right here in Horry County. 

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