Homeownership Creates Opportunity for the Family Next Door to Thrive


Affordable homeownership is more important today than it has ever been before. Families of all sizes, backgrounds and situations need a safe, decent, and affordable home to call their own.  

In Horry County, as the area continues to grow, housing prices grow. However, the compensation for many jobs remains the same. To help meet the need for affordable homeownership, Habitat for Humanity of Horry County proudly partners with homebuyers seeking to purchase homes within our county. At Habitat for Humanity, houses are built with the care and expertise of licensed contractors, site leaders and volunteers. Those houses become homes for families like the Smiths** 

The Smiths are perfect examples of families who can obtain affordable homeownership through Habitat’s homebuyer program. The family moved to Myrtle Beach about two years ago for Mr. Smith to take a job as a local firefighter, making approximately $43,000 per year. Mrs. Smith stays home with their two children, ages 2 and 3. She also watches her neighbor’s children a few hours per week to help with expenses – allowing her to provide around $1,000 per month toward the family’s income. With the family’s total annual income of $55,000, they qualify for the Habitat Homebuyer Program through their ability to pay an affordable mortgage.   

The family’s housing situation is not optimal. They rent an apartment in downtown Myrtle Beach where they pay $1,900 every month, which is 42% of their monthly income. Experts note that paying anything more than 30% leaves a family cost burdened. Additionally, the two children (a boy and girl) currently must share a room. While their neighborhood is safe and they are current on their rent, it is time for a change. As the children grow older, it will be important for them each to have their own room. Therefore, the Smiths show a true need for affordable homeownership with Habitat’s help.  

Each family accepted into the Habitat Homebuyer Program also shows a willingness to partner with the organization to reach their goal of homeownership. Working alongside volunteers and other homebuyers to help build Habitat homes, and even working shifts in the ReStore, families like the Smiths have the perfect opportunity to give back and grow within their local community as well as work towards their individual family’s goal.  

Click here to learn more about applying for the Habitat Homebuyer Program in Horry County when applications become available again on September 1, 2023.  

** The family mentioned in this blog is fictional yet is representative of the types of families seeking homeownership who qualify for the Habitat Homebuyer Program, right here in Horry County. 


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